What is speech therapy?
Have you ever had a family member, friend, or doctor tell you that your child needs speech therapy, but then think to yourself, what exactly is speech therapy and how would it actually help my child?
A speech therapist, or more accurately a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP), is a licensed professional trained to improve a child’s communication in a variety of areas and more!
An SLP at a minimum must have a master’s degree and be in accordance with the licensing requirements of their specific state. A Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA) works under a licensed SLP and has attained a bachelor’s degree.
What all does speech therapy entail or include??
The following are areas that a pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist would most likely work with:
Articulation: speech intelligibility in children who have difficulty producing sounds in words
Fluency: fluency for children who present with stuttering
Voice: voice for children who have trouble with pitch, volume, and vocal quality
Feeding: feeding/swallowing to help children with limited food variety, sensory aversion, decreased strength/coordination for chewing and swallowing, etc.
Receptive Language: children who have trouble understanding oral language or difficulty listening; trouble retaining auditory information and following instructions/directions
Expressive Language: for children who have trouble with verbal and written expression; difficulty effectively communicating their wants/needs, limited vocabulary, syntax, etc.
Pragmatic Language: children with difficulties in the area of social language; understanding nonverbal cues, conversational skills, non-literal language, appropriate play skills/social exchanges, etc.
Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC): methods used to provide children with supplemental speech or replace speech with those who have impairments in their ability to produce spoken or written language
An SLP Uses a variety of evidence based strategies in order to individually target the specific needs of your child. No child is the same; therefore, no child should be treated as such!
What are the benefits of speech?
“Speech therapy is especially beneficial when kids begin early in life. In one study, 70 percent of preschool kids with language issues who went through speech therapy showed improvement in language skills.”
How long does speech usually last?
This varies from child to child and can be as little as a few months to even a few years! It is totally dependent on the specific needs of your child. My biggest suggestion to you as a parent is to get involved in your child’s therapy by practicing things at home! This can make a world of difference in your child’s progress in therapy!
“Remember, though, that therapy can’t “cure” your child. The underlying speech or language issue will still be there. The therapist should give you and your child strategies to deal with obstacles more effectively.”
Sometimes speech isn’t the only related issue, and it may be beneficial to seek out other professional services.