Communication through Daily Routines: Time to Get Dressed
Have you ever thought of targeting language development in your child when it’s time to get dressed?
Dailey routines provide some of the best opportunities to teach our children language! Check out the list below of words, phrases, and short sentences that you can use when it’s time to get dressed. Although some of these words may be more difficulty for your child to pronounce, they will be able to demonstrate understanding by identifying/fining/pointing to the names object and they may begin to attempt to imitate through sounds or word approximations!
Object Words: shirt, pants, shorts, shoes, socks, boot, hat, diaper, coats, pajamas, hat, body parts (arm, leg, hand, foot, head)
Action Words: stand up, sit down, give me, button, zip, brush, put on, take off, tie, step in, tie, pull
Concept Words: on, off, up, down, in, mine, yours, clean, dirty
Sounds & Phrases:
Let’s get dressed.
Pajamas come off.
Put your head in.
Pants on.
Shorts on.
Clean socks.
My shirt; your shirt.
In the hamper.
Amrs in – one, two
Zip up – ZZZZZZZ
You look great!
Arms up – up-up-up!
Shirt on.
Button your shirt.
Dirty socks – Yuck!
All done!
Some information taken from Daily Routines from Super Duper Publications: Early Language Development by Linda Mawhinney & Mary Scott McTeague.